If you own a home and are thinking of using it as a rental home there are certain Rental Home Killers that can distract future tenants which in turn can mean that your home is for rent longer than what you might can afford. At Real Property Management Houston, our motto is – Every day that your home is vacant is money out of your pocket.
If future tenants are distracted and cannot see or vision themselves in your property they potentially will walk away. Making your home attractive to people looking for a rental is a must and that could include some good staging of the home. Below are some good Rental Home Killers that you might want to think about.
Clutter Clean Out
The goal of showing a rental home is to show that the home has great potential for the person viewing it. Although you might have grandma’s quilt on the wall and it means alot – the potential resident might not think it’s as special as you do. Remove items that are personal and keep furniture that can assist in making the home look comfortable and attractive.
Neutral Colors
Make sure that the wall color in the home is neutral and not bold bright colors. If you are not going to allow the tenant to change the colors on the walls, chances are they are going to walk away from the purple or pink wall colors and mark your home off the list. We cannot emphasize enough that the home needs to be viewed as workable and with potential for the future renters.
Keep it Tidy
It is pretty common sense that no one is going to see the potential in your rental home if they are concerned with the cleanliness of the property. Make sure to have the floors clean and walls wiped down. If you are providing the refrigerator make sure that it is clean. Wipe down shelves in pantry areas and bathroom and kitchen drawers. Clean up any bugs and cobwebs and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go ahead and have a pest control service and cleaning service come out and service it once.
The biggest rental home killers are a dirty and cluttered home. Think of ways that your Houston Rental Home can be the most attractive to people and make those much needed fixes. You may spend some money but in the long run you will bring more traffic to your home making it rent faster.
If you are in need of a Houston Property Management Company to avoid many of these hassles, call Real Property Management Houston today at 713-830-1888.